Here’s Our e-News Letter for June

Posted by Green E-Solutions, July 4th, 2017

Youth Speaks on National Television

Youth Initiative members went into the TV studio this week on June 28 to share their views on what matters to young people in Bhutan today. They spoke candidly about employment and the sustainability of programmes for youth employment.

The youth based some of their thoughts on “Youth Matters”, the theme of the Winter 2016’s edition of the  Druk Journal. They had also done homework by talking with their friends. Citing some successful youth-led initiatives, the group spoke about some initiatives the youth can take up today to create work opportunities than just relying on government to create jobs.

This is BCMD’s fourth Youth panel discussion conducted in partnership with Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) “Youth Speaks- Deepening Democracy through Citizen’s Voice and Action” on BBS will be broadcasted on Sunday, July 2 after the Dzongkha and English news. The Dzongkha section will be broadcasted after 8pm news and English will be telecast after 9pm news.

Bhutan Foundation supported the TV programme.

The Durk Journal Conversation on Sustainability

About 45 persons gathered around a cup of Suja and Dzow (butter tea and local snacks) and shared their views and suggestions on the “sustainability of Bhutan” on June 24 at a local hotel in Thimphu. The conversation brought together a cross section of Thimphu society to deliberate on the latest issue of the Druk Journal with the theme: “Towards a Sustainable Development.” The summer 2017 edition was launched with 17 articles on June 19.

Youth, representatives of political parties, Members of Parliament, UN and government officials and Civil Society Organisations came to participate in the two-hour conversation on the “Sustainability” of Bhutan. Over 125 copies of different issues of The Druk Journal were distributed during the Conversation to participants. Copies of the Journal have also been distributed to libraries, MPs and journalists as well as government offices.

BCMD is working on dispatching copies to college and school libraries across Bhutan. Open Society Foundation is supporting The Druk Journal.

Google Trains Youths and CSO Members

Around 17 people including Bhutanese youths on vacation and employees of Civil Society Organisations attended the Google Applications training programme from June 19-21 at the BCMD’s Media Lab in Nazhoen Pelri Complex.
Matt Shuber, G-Tech Publisher Support Specialist from Sydney, Australia and Jun Fujisawa, Products Manager from Google in Tokyo, Japan trained the 17 participants on various Google applications. During the training, the participants were trained on how to make better use of many Google Apps, which mostly remain unused.

The participants were shown on how to use applications like the calendar, contacts, drive, maps, translation, upload videos on Youtube, among others to make work and personal life more organised.

The trainers also shared their ideas on how to strengthen privacy and password on e-mail and social media like Facebook. An ongoing theme throughout the workshop was how to handle online offensive/hate speech and fake news.

Up-coming Activities
Community Mapping in Paro

‘Building Community’- a regional initiative is BCMD’s latest project that takes a participatory approach to community development. BCMD is pleased to partner with the Paro Municipality (Thromde) in modelling an inclusive town committee with representatives from government, civil society, citizens and residents of the Paro town. The committee will guide the proposals of selected schools to address urban issues ranging from waste management to other identified social issues. The project is designed to foster more democratic processes in town development through encouraging citizen action.

The project takes off with a “Training of Trainers’ workshop on ‘mapping community’ from 6-11 July. Teachers from select schools in Paro and trainee teachers from the Paro College of Education will participate in mapping community assets and issues.

The trainers will follow-up with step-down training with youth in their respective schools, facilitate youth dialogue with town committee and guide them in local actions in the spirit of citizens’ participation in community building. We look forward to learning how to grow stronger and expand more democratic communities through this pilot.

Busy Summer

BCMD is gearing up for a busy summer with activities for youth and teachers centred around civic education. A quick look at our line –up for the month of July.

Youth Initiative summer camp (July July 17-20)

A Multimedia Workshop for trainers. We are offering youth, CSOs with some media experience to come and get trained to train others in multimedia production. Limited seats left. Call us. (July 12-14)

 Training of Trainers for Community Mapping for teachers. (July 6-11 )

 Training of Trainers for facilitating youth events. Limited seats. (July 23-25)

 Youth Summit (July 25-28)

For further information check our website