August eNews

Posted by Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy, September 3rd, 2024

Multimedia Training for Students


BCMD conducted a multimedia training programme for 60 students from four local schools in Tsirang district. The training programme on  essential skills in videography, photography, design   and audio podcasting complements Bhutan Foundation’s Project Mikhung 2.0, and seeks to empower students through using multimedia tools to communicate effectively and drive positive change within their communities.

The training, held at the Professional Development Centre in Tsirang, is a residential camp that brings together students from Damphu Middle Secondary School and Tsirangtoe Central School in the first batch from 23 till 26 of August, and Damphu Central School and Mendrelgang Central School from 27 to 30 of August in second batch. The participants are immersed in intensive learning modules designed to introduce them to the art of visual and audio storytelling.

Participants began their training with an introduction to photography, where they learned about composition, framing, and storytelling through visuals. This was followed by practical sessions where students were challenged to capture images using specific photographic techniques such as the rule of thirds and leading lines.


In the audio podcasting session, students were introduced to the basics of podcast creation, from scriptwriting to recording and editing. Hands-on sessions allowed them to experiment with mobile podcasting apps and produce their own podcast episodes.

Moreover, the students were introduced to PremierePro and Canva Designing, a versatile tool that allows users to create visually appealing content with ease. The session emphasised the importance of visual content in effective communication and media.


The overarching goal of the training is to integrate multimedia skills with community mapping initiatives, empowering students to become effective communicators and advocates for social causes. By learning how to use tools like videography and podcasting, students will be better equipped to highlight issues within their communities and contribute to meaningful dialogue and change.


Youth Initiative Alumni Reunion and Strategic Planning 

The Deutsche Welle Akademie Asia (DWA) and Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy (BCMD), with funding from the European Union, hosted a strategic planning event for Youth Initiative (YI) alumni from 17 to 21 August. The event brought together alumni from both early and recent cohorts to reflect on the programme’s evolution since its 2013 inception and strategise for its future.

The strategic planning session provided alumni with a platform to discuss their personal experiences and the profound impact the YI programme has had on their perspectives, careers, and critical thinking. Discussions focused on refining the programme’s approach to enhance mentorship, improve communication, re-engage alumni, and innovate feedback and fundraising strategies.


Participants emphasised the role of youth as change agents and advocates for their communities. The event set the stage for a more dynamic YI programme, aimed at remaining relevant to Bhutanese youth and effectively fostering personal agency. BCMD expressed gratitude for the alumni’s support and insights, which will contribute to strengthening the YI programme’s impact.


Journalists Trained on effective Reporting

BCMD in partnership with Deutsche Welle Akademie (DWA) organised a five-day intensive from 12 to 16 August. The  training programme was participated in by 21 reporters from various media houses in Bhutan. The training was funded with support from the European Union as part of the ‘Building Inclusive Democracy: Civil Society, Parliamentarians, Media, and Youth Strengthen Good Governance in Bhutan’ project.

The training equipped the reporters with skills critical in delivering impactful stories and bringing out critical issues to light. The sessions covered essential journalism skills, such as news writing, interview techniques, multimedia journalism, and investigative journalism. Participants were introduced to new methods for gathering and planning investigative stories, crafting hypotheses, navigating ethical dilemmas, and selecting the appropriate media platforms such as multimedia for their stories. The training also covered practical insights into journalism standards, lead story writing, and multimedia storytelling. The hands-on group exercises and interactive sessions were facilitated by Mr. Kyle James, an experienced trainer from the DWA. 


Second Suja & Dzaw Conversation held at Paro College of Education

The second Suja & Dzaw Conversation on the latest issue of The Druk Journal, themed ‘An Era of Transformation,’ took place on July 31 at the Paro College of Education (PCE). The event brought together around 170 participants, including students and faculty from PCE, members of various political parties, and faculty members from the Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law and Norbuling Rigter College.

The conversation featured four distinguished contributors to the current issue of The Druk Journal: Mr. Khurshid Alam, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Bhutan; Mr. Katsu Masaki, Faculty member at Konan University, Japan; Ms. Pallavi Sharma, Marketing and Communications Specialist at Druk Holding & Investments Ltd. (DHI); and Mr. Tshering Nidup, Programme Lead at the Druk Gyalpo’s Institute.

The speakers provided valuable insights into Bhutan’s ongoing transformations across various sectors. The discussion highlighted significant changes in Bhutan’s economy, the implementation of the National Digital Identity (NDI), the introduction of the Bhutan Baccalaureate educational model, and the development of the Gelephu Mindfulness City.

The Suja & Dzaw Conversation, a platform for engaging discussions on pressing national issues, continues to be an essential forum for dialogue and knowledge-sharing. The organisers extended their gratitude to Druk Holding & Investments Ltd. for their support in making this event possible.