Strengthening the Capacity of the Local Government for Inclusive & Participatory Planning: Project Impact Evaluation and Assessment Report

Participatory Planning, Effective Communication and Countering Disinformation

Policy Brief on an Equitable and Resilient Society

Nurturing Student Representatives 

Findings from Tendrel Platform: Balancing Economic Development and Environmental Conservation 

The Whole-School Approach to Civic Education: A BCMD Story

Conference proceeding on “Cultivating Civic Mindset and Civic Action”

Findings from Youth Conversations Platform 2022

Bhutan Democracy Forum 2022

Bhutan Democracy Forum, 2018 – 2022

An Evaluation Study on Citizenship Education Initiatives

A GNH-Based Toolkit For Participatory Community Analysis (Dzongkha ) 

A GNH-Based Toolkit for Participatory Community Analysis (English)

The Druk Journal, an M&E Report (2015 – July 2021)

State of the Children’s Rights Report

Bhutan Democracy Forum 2021

Peer Facilitation Guidebook

Strategic Communications for Civil Society – a Guide

Moving Forward: Reflections on the COVID Pandemic – a Photo Book

Reimagining Bhutan: Building Forward Better Beyond COVID Policy Brief

Youth Voices: Youth Matters Report

An Inquiry into Citizen Participation and Democratic Culture at the Local Level

Youth Summit Photographic Journey

Children’s Book (English)- What’s Fair

Children’s Book (Dzongkha)- What’s Fair

Children’s Book (English)- Who’s reponsible

Children’s Book (Dzongkha)- Who’s Responsible

Creative Non-fiction Writing Book 1

Creative Non-fiction Writing Book 2

Creative Non-fiction Writing Book 3

Institutions of Democracy

More than Just a Vote



Bhutan Democracy Forum 2019

Bhutan Democracy Forum 2018

Community Mapping Stories 2018